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Serving Adaptoid/Wishtech Since
27th January 2000

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PC Compatibility 

Ultrahle Rumble Games

Nemu 64 Rumble Games

Emulator Compatibility


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Ultrahle Games that Supports and/or works with Rumble Pack

If there are any config file for a game, then it's highlighted

Game Title Country MBit Developer Year Rumbles ?
64 Ohzumou JAP 128 Bottoms Up 1997 Yes
Automobili Lamborghini USA 128 Titus 1997 Yes
Banjo Kazooie USA 128 Rare 1998 No
Battle Tanx USA 64 3DO 1998 No
Bomberman Hero USA 96 Hudson 1998 Yes
Chopper Attack Europe 64 Midway 1998 Yes
Diddy Kong Racing USA 128 Rare 1998 Yes
Goldeneye 007 Europe/USA 128 Rare 1997 No
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Europe/USA 256 Nintendo 1998 Yes
Lylat Wars Europe 96 Nintendo 1997 Yes
Milo's Astro Lane's USA 64 Crave Entertainment 1998 Yes
Mortal Kombat Trilogy USA 128 Midway 1996 Yes
Pawafuru Puroyakyu 4 Japan 96 Konami 1997 Yes
Quake USA 128 Midway 1998 Yes
Rampage: World Tour USA 96 Midway 1997 Yes
Snowboard Kids USA 64 Atlus / Racdym 1997 Yes
Star Soldier USA 96 Hudson 1997 Yes
Starfox 64 USA 96 Nintendo 1997 Yes
Super Mario 64 Rumble Edition Japan 62 Nintendo 1997 Yes
Superman 64 Europe/USA 64 Titus 1999 Yes
Wave Race 64 Rumble Edition Japan 64 Nintendo 1997 Yes

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